SSPRR Run Room

Playing with Toy Trains

Sound Activation/Block Protection Box 

Lionel Sound Activation Button
Replace the Lionel #6-5906 Sound Activation Button with a Sound Button - Block Protection Box


The Heavy Duty control box is used with conventional (track) power control of modern AC powered engines.  The sound button activates bells or whistles and circuit protection is included with indicator lamps.


LionelButtonInside BlkProtInside
Inside Contents of Lionel Sound Activation Button Inside Sound Activation - Block Protection Box



Polyswitch, diode 



Black Plastic Box 3" X 4" X 1 5/8" H 1 Mouser Electronics 400-1561-GR
Punchboard 4.8" X 17" w .062" holes 1 Mouser Electronics 574-170H48WE
Pushbtn Sw SPST ON-(OFF) MOM NC 15A, 125 VAC 1 Selecta Switch SS229-BG
Polyswitch (auto reset) 60 max V 3.75A hold/7.5A trip 1 Mouser Electronics 650-RXEF375
Lamps (6" orange wire leads) 28V .04A incandescent 2 Mouser Electronics 35LS026
Lamp cap for above lamp Red 1 Mouser Electronics 35LT001
Lamp cap for above lamp Green 1 Mouser Electronics 35LT002
Rectifying barrel diodes 6A 200 PRV 7 Mouser Electronics  621-6A1
Hook-up wire #18 stranded 14'    
Small blue wire-nuts   3    
 Kester solder by pound .031" diam. 60%tin/40%lead 1 Mouser Electronics 533-24-6040-27

  NOTES for Parts:

With Black Plastic Box sizes, bigger is easier.
The Punchboard is enough for 5 dual boxes. Scribe and break to size.
The incandescent lamps listed are no longer available. (Please email me with a good available substitue and I will add it to the list.)
The diodes are set up exactly the same way Lionel set up their sound boxes.
Polyswitches are auto reset devices that are installed in line (in series) with the variable voltage feed from the transformer. A large range of sizes are available for different applications.

  Helpful Tools:

1/2" unibit (for drilling plastic boxe)
9/32" machine drill bit (for lamp caps)
soldering iron

BP Box Opened out

Single Sound Activation - Block Protection Box

showing inside circuit and wiring


   BP-Dual-Top    BPDualEnd

The dual Sound Activation/Block Protector box will serve both handles of a postwar ZW.

Attach boxes to ZW top with double stick foam tape.


Click here to see Wiring Instructions.                         Return to Conventional or Remote Control page


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